3 Simple Weight Loss Tips for Heartburn Relief

weight lossThere are various weight loss tips you will find but many are not suitable for people seeking for  heartburn relief. Most of these "how to lose weight fast tips" actually aggravate GERD symptoms such as frequent heartburn. Being over weight poses its own health challenges and when coupled with frequent heartburn, it becomes necessary to shed some pounds. Why? Excess stomach fat exerts pressure on the stomach and the LES resulting in acid reflux or back up of stomach acid into the esophagus, causing its irritation which is refers to as heartburn. 

Dieting and exercising had always been the available weight loss solutions. Conventional dieters often consume food such as diet coke and other formula of consuming fewer calories each day which may not be good for those seeking for heartburn cures. On the other hand, most recommended exercises are stressful. Both dieting formulas and stressful exercises are heartburn triggers and can make heartburn get worse. Several other issues related to these weight loss strategies include increase in hunger pangs which tend to make your stomach produce more acid, increase craving for more sugar and heartburn food triggers.

Also dieting alone can simply reduce the quantity of calories consumed each day resulting to slowing down of metabolism and storage of additional fat in the body. So here are the best effective ways to losing weight for heartburn sufferers.

Weight loss tips 1 - Know your body calorie limit.

To lose weight fast when having heartburn you have to grasp how exactly your body works and the amount of energy in form of calories your body needs for proper functioning without adding extra fat.

According to Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intakes macro-nutrients report, 2002, the Estimated Energy Requirements (EER) for sedentary adult male is between 2,000 to 2,400 calories while that of sedentary female is between 1,600 to 2,000 calories.

This means that if you consume within this range you will neither lose nor gain weight. So as heartburn sufferer, try not to eat more calories than your body needs. It requires additional calorie burning activities to lose weight. Two simple ones for heartburn sufferer are described below.

 Weight loss tips 2 - Get more active.

The human body is inherently predisposed genetically not to get involved in physical activities. This has been one of the reason people add fat to their body - constantly maintaining a state of rest.

Instead of sitting in front of the television watching a star movie and ordering for the best menu available get to the kitchen and preparing it yourself. You can train your body to outwit the natural desire of maintaining a state of rest by deciding to be more active. This will burn more calories and produce wonderful weight loss result.

Moderate activities like house chores are known to burn about 100 calories for 30 minutes. According to Dr. Phil McGraw, the author of "The Ultimate Weight Solution", three times of doing house work for 20 minutes each (1 hour) will burn 200 calories. This is a goal achievable daily summing up to 1,400 calories in a week.

Weight loss tips 3 -  Do exercises that are not stressful.

As you may know, stress is a heartburn trigger and engaging in stressful exercise means your heartburn will get worse. A good exercise you can do that is not stressful is walking. Walking quite a distance is an excellent way of burning calories.

According to Dr. Peter Miller, walking one mile will burn 100 calories whether by moderate walking for about 20 minutes or running. Thus, walking 2 mile for about 40 minutes after dinner will burn at least 200 calories. A whooping 1,400 calories burned for a week!

Meanwhile, this is not hard to do, as you can even go for about 20 minutes walk during lunch and the remaining after your dinner. You can also walk indoors around your home for convenience.

Being moderate is key!

Whether you are eating, eat moderately to consume within your body calorie limit. Get involved in doing the house chore activities and walking at least one mile a day. By eating the right quantity and quality of food, becoming more busing doing house work 1 hour and walking 40 minutes daily, you will burn about 2,800 calories a week and 11,200calories in 4 weeks. How does this translate to the amount of fat burn from your body?

Research shows that 3,500 calories is equivalent to one pound of fat. Hence losing 11,400 calories means losing 3.2 pounds of fat in four weeks. And if you can double the time for your house chore or other moderate activities only, you will lose more than 4 pounds in 4 weeks.

You will lose weight and stop heartburn if you make use of these simple weight loss tips and home remedies for heartburn.